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We begin tonight's NYCCR with a big congrats to Trump, Irene Bremis, Mike Bocchetti, and Talia Reese sit panel with Pat to discuss the election, grabbing pussy, protesters, Lori Palminteri and Alexis Daloni weigh in, and president-elect Donald Trump stops by talk about Hillary, the protesters, and his least attractive daughter Tiffany. Pat and the panel go on to talk about an anti-bullying advocate being a bully, a thumb job, "day after election" face, immigrant elevators, a drone jumper, a bad credit having ass jumper, and Shane Morrison pops in for a song. We learn the backstory on the swastika, hear about a Nassau man killing his family and himself, the gang swaps gas station stories, we meet a machine of rage and hear another song from Shane, the panel discusses a Bronx groper, a teen torching, a machete in the city, a bus beat down, and a broomstick battery.

Nov 15th, 2016

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