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TACS 017
Anthony sits poolside and tells us that Jim Norton will be late due to traffic and while we wait for him, he reads Chip's show demands. Jimmy arrives and takes a seat with Ant to talk about Andrew Dice Clay's appearance, an audition he had, and about how it's going over at SiriusXM these days and the internet's "support" regarding it. They discuss the latest beheading, Jimmy's personal life, the way the press sensationalizes everything, and the iCloud's most recent hacking. They chat a bit about the photoshop pics of Colin Quinn, conspiracy theorists, Jimmy's latest fanboy photos, his dinner with Ozzy and Sharon, and women in comedy. They wrap up by talking about Keith the cop's "plump toes," the situation in Ferguson, and Jimmy's Vice show. And not to worry folks, Edgar, Uncle Paul, and Chip chime in throughout the show. (As do a few bees.)
Sep 02nd, 2014