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TACS 031
Ant recaps Vos's appearance on yesterday's show and the poker party shenanigans that went down afterwards, picks apart Al Sharpton's take on Attorney General Eric Holder's resignation, discusses how Sharpton has changed over the years, plays a song he wrote about Rev Al back in "the day," and we hear from a couple of the lovely callers. We watch part of Obama's speech regarding this resignation, are treated to a video of a whale of a woman, and hear about a kid named Tyler who started a petition after being called a "Gaytard." We see a video that Ant stumbled upon when looking up religion, talk about the types of religions he's fucked, and god dammit, the callers get their say again. We see a promotional photo from VietJet Air, reminisce about how stewardesses used to look, Ticket University helps @KyleTims get unblocked, Ant reads a few more sticker requests, and he ends the show by going through a few old-timey "Pathé" videos.
Sep 25th, 2014