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TACS 053
Tuesday kicks off with Ant waxing on the fun he had while on Bobby Kelly's podcast the night before, the comics he hung with afterwards at the Comedy Cellar, and he talks about the two types of gals there are in Tokyo. He covers the elections, goes through a list of reasons why it's illegal to take pics of your voting ballot, and we look at some new and old timey campaign ads. We hear a story about Michelle Obama and fried chicken, he discusses scare and racial tactics when pushing an election agenda, and we watch a Bill Maher clip as well as one from Ben Stein. We see a compilation of "fuck her in the pussy" videos, read some internet feedback on Brittany Maynard taking her own life, learn about a new texting while driving law in New York, Ant invites Amanda Bynes crazy ass to come live at his house, and the show ends with us learning just how much Anthony hates Stephen King.
Nov 04th, 2014