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TACS 080
Ant starts the show with a little story about his nana, he talks about the latest on the movie "The Interview," we see the leaked ending of the movie, find out that Ant knows a hell of a lot about Taylor Swift, and we take a look at Britney Spears newest photo shoot. We watch a video of two police women trying to take down a naked dude, one of a women driving off with a boot on her car, see a guy who wants to look like Kim Kardashian, and Anthony interrupts the YKWD podcast to talk to Bobby Kelly about the comedy show he's doing with Dan Soder and Joe List tomorrow night at The Paramount. Ant picks @anayasda to be unblocked, we hear a fucked up radio clip from CBS Philly, see a fucked up pool noodle story, look at some pictures we sadly can't unsee of thalidomide babies, Ant tells us a few mischievous stories from his childhood, and the callers chimes in with stories of their own. Bobo calls to update us on his UPS job, we do a little "throw back Thursday" with old school ads, and end the show with "Bob's Espresso Bar" and with then and now pics from Fast Times at Ridgemont High.
Dec 18th, 2014