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TACS 095

Cumia starts today with a sweet speech, tells us that MTV is airing in black and white for MLK day, that the media is now calling Billy Crystal homophobic, and we attempt to find out what Brian Williams thinks about his daughter getting her ass eaten on HBO's "Girls." We hear about KtC's trip to the Cayman Islands, TACS trip to the Macabre Faire Film Festival, watch a close call with a truck on the NJ Turnpike, notice a Chip Chipperson cameo at UFC, and see some old pictures from the Cumia family photo album. @ThirtyEightDD calls in for some "sexy talk" that's anything but sexy, we move on to a teacher sex news story, and learn some fun facts about MLK and black inventions. Ant reads a story about runaway teens from Kentucky, we see what some teens get from a good night's hustle, a caller suggests a ghostly video, and then hear about a Ralphie May show "high" in Colorado. New "Most Offensive Song" contest for TACS, Ant shows us a "Heeldo" demonstration, we hear Michael Moore's douche bag opinion on American Sniper, find out that De Blasio is hanging out with Al Sharpton, and end the show with a video of a completely clueless reporter.

Jan 19th, 2015

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