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A scratchy throated Ant is back for a new week going through news involving Donald Trump, trannies and bathrooms, dick transplants and dick cancer, a baseball brawl, and a knockout bouncer. We then hear about an overboard passenger, Ant talks about watching airplane shows, the show "Welcome to Leith," Clarence Thomas waxing on faith, wack job Sinead O'Connor, Sinead's mole, Cindy Crawford's mole, and Ant gives a PSA on moles. We see a video of a bomb hoax, hear the latest news with Legion of Skanks and find out "In Hot Water" with Geno Bisconte and Aaron Berg will be joining Compound Media in June, find out Ben Sparks plead guilty, check in on George Zimmerman's gun and look at some of his artwork, and discuss neighborhood memorials. Monday wraps checking out some crazy ass road rage, learning Billy Corgan's stance on being PC, Ant reminisces on flip phones, talks about taking smartphones to the limit.
May 16th, 2016