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TACS 366

Monday's TACS begins with Ant bitching about the deli he generally hits up on the way to work, he gets into the presidential candidates and their tactics, Trump's campaign videos, Bill Clinton's many conquests, and we hear some of the texts Ant has received from rehab buddies. Alex Jones Skype's in to discuss free speech, labeling, Obama's antics, the possibility of Hillary beating Trump, pissed off Americans, Hillary "the beard," fake ass libs, and grassroots outlets. After a few callers get through, Ant talks about the latest with the Freddie Gray case, politicians and money, Scorch's latest acting gig, the voting polls, attempting to make Hillary look better, a slutty ass teenager in Florida, pedo's in Hollywood according to Frodo, and we check in with Bobo. The day wraps chatting about Alan Young's death, the old days of pitch meetings, Marcus Owens getting his ass kicked, Obama valuing the trans.

May 23rd, 2016

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