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TACS 374

Tuesday's TACS begins with some light ribbing of Rat and Garrett, Anthony tells us about some (expensive) flying game he played, bitches about his commute to the city and annoying ass kids, he goes through an article about feminism and men, and one about adult breast-feeding. We look through an adult breast-feeding website, find out about a new Zika baby, see a dad try to kill his kid's murderer in court and a dad who shot his kid's molester, Ant discusses the presidential candidates, race baiting and such, and the frustrations of living litigation life. He speaks with callers about the presidential candidates, illegal aliens, and popular vote dictating the presidency, we look at an "airplane" and "helicopter," see an awesome radio control airplane, talk some shit on Rat for being a lib and being bad with chicks, and the day wraps chatting about podcasting,

Jun 07th, 2016

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