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TACS 377
TACS begins with a bit of waxing on the Orlando shooting over the weekend, the great Ron Bennington takes a seat to chat about the presidential candidates, weaponry, plays and musicals, and Matt Iseman joins the party to yap about the Hallmark Channel, properly promoting, knowing your place on TV, and Ronnie B. proposes a solution for guns. Ant reminisces on a road trip and explains the hoop jumping he's currently doing, they discuss having good and bad weeks in the biz, the days of shock jockery, we get a Fez update, look at a Citi Bike douchebag, and Ron explains what was a "Fez bit" and what wasn't. They get into the craziness of social media, being "offensive," Matt talks about ANW, Ant talks about rehab, Ron and Matt analyze Ant, and Mr. Bennington makes his exit and the guys go on to talk more about ANW. Jim Gaffigan pops in to talk about his show, working with his wife, stand-up versus TV.
Jun 13th, 2016