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TACS is back (and better than ever) with Anthony telling us about his vacation and his first batterers class, Taleeb Starkes takes a seat to further discuss Ant's punishment, DeRay Mckesson "staying woke," robot Hilary Clinton, sensationalizing shooting deaths, bomb-robot, and gangsters being bad shooters. They get into a news story about a father/son shooting in San Bernardino, Black Lives Matter being circumstantial, community martyrs, the "Ferguson effect," separatist attitudes, "don't touch me" asshole's, and the Aton Sterling shooting. Ant and Taleeb talk about actual justice versus phony justice, Freddie Gray, family values, the BET Awards and Jesse Williams, pontificating when it's convenient, proper reaction to authority, Wendy Bell getting fired for Facebook, and double standards. The guys wrap up Monday's show discussing being shamed for addressing problems, political pandering, media pandering.
Jul 11th, 2016