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TACS 401

Monday begins with Ant telling us about his latest batterers class and some interesting info he learned, Garrett tells us about a past laughing snafu he had, and Mike Cernovich takes a seat to discuss immigrants, "occupy" hashtags, "lives matter" hashtags, and we see a "vison for black lives." The guys discuss said "vision," Khizr Khan and media hypocrisy, Donald Trump on Islam, a cunty caller spouts off some empty complaints, and they get into Hillary Clinton's grody tongue, Miss Teen USA's no-no, and a Dallas weatherman's thought's on the DNC. They talk about rigging polls, Mike's book "Gorilla Mindset" and how it came to be, keeping motivation and momentum, a Periscope video of Mike's calling out the DNC, a wayyy too skinny chick on YouTube, the good and bad of social media, Mike's trip to Saigon, and varying fixes and differences by country.

Aug 01st, 2016

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