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TACS 416

Today begins with a batterers class update, Ant discusses the need or want to set boundaries, Kevin Brennan and Carie Karavas take a seat to talk about accidental deaths, choo-choo's, STD testing, and pulling pussy. They chat about loving Jews, having kids and fucking the system, the difficulty of schoolwork, and Alison Tyler pops in to talk about her upcoming gig at Headquarters, winning porn awards, and double penetration. They go on to talk about dirty talk, we see some of Alison's work, hear about her LAFD boyfriend, and Kevin, Ant, and Carie shoot over an array of porn-ish questions to her. Alison makes her exit and the gang goes on to chat about annoying women, kids and sex, Carie's hairy baby, and attempting to eat out with children.

Aug 25th, 2016

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