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The AA Show 012
Artie and Anthony are back chatting it up about Artie's weekend gig, The Olive Garden (?!), cocaine shits, jacking it, the clean-up in Puerto Rico, and Debbie Schlussel calls to talk about Puerto Rico, Leu-Cumia, double standards with Sharia law, random ass movies, the NFL and their kneeling, affirmative action in sports, who they'd gay fuck, and North Korea. Robert O'Neill joins the guys and they go on to talk about 9/11, jerking it in Afghanistan and banging seals, field training, being famous for the best thing, kill numbers, mission attitudes, decompression, and comradery. They chat about military type gaming, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Donald Trump, strong ass women, killing Bin Laden, the new music video Robert is in, tweaking issued weapons, the Bin Laden mission, supporting your country, a drone hitting a helicopter over Staten Island, and Jesse Ventura saluting Colin Kaepernick
Sep 25th, 2017