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The AA Show 041

Today the boys begin the show talking about Louis C.K. jerking it, Miles Davis, Howard vs. Opie and Anthony gals, Russ Meneve's text to Artie, the amazing routes Ant and Artie took, the Bennington Thanksgiving show later tonight, and they attempt to rig the Bennington newlywed game. We hear about Lena Headey slamming Louis C.K., Ant's "Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous," Peter Popoff's greatest hits, homeless shit, Prader-Willi syndrome, Jon Stewart's thoughts on Louis C.K., being a well-rounded comic, and Tom Sizemore allegedly molesting 11-year-old girl. Vinny Guadagnino takes a seat and they go on to chat about Jersey Shore, life after reality shows, the stability of reality TV, maintaining friendships, filming with family, and the Jersey Shore cast being innovators of sorts. They talk about PC culture, the difficulty of doing comedy, roasting and getting roasted, "real" jobs vs.

Nov 14th, 2017

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