THE DUSTY BOGAN - Ep35: The tree of liberty
Christian Foundations of the Common Law - Dr Augusto Zimmermann rediscovers the Christian roots of the English, American and Australian legal systems. With scholarly acuity, this work skilfully uncovers how great thinkers in Western Civilization understood the cultural importance of these self-evident truths to society and good governance under the rule of law. At a time when perhaps we need it most, Zimmermann shows how Christian ideas like 'natural law', 'natural rights' and 'natural justice', contributed to the development of the common law. In doing so, Dr Zimmermann's work convincingly confirms for us that ideas informed by the Bible influenced in important ways the development of the Common Law, and indeed, the preservation of freedom and justice. Woven through the very readable chapters of this book is a profound understanding of an ancient sacred premise: God revealed moral absolutes in His Word, and placed these truths on the human heart"
- Interview with Dave pellowe founder of Church And State submit: This conference encourages the Body of Christ in this historic mission. It's for every Believer who wants to better understand the times and be more effective in practically loving our neighbours through public policy: politics.
- Interview Political Posting Mummy: anticritical gender theory campaner Where I've been lately, and where I'm going now.
Jun 05th, 2021